Friday, July 18, 2008

The Who In Sensational: Part Two

Every good and perfect gift comes from God.

My daughter and her family are God's perfect gifts to me and are the "who" that rock my world. My daughter is now 31 and a lovely woman who delights in life. She has brought immeasurble joy to my life and is my dearest friend! Her hubby Shaun is also my delight with his joy and sweetness wrapped in the manliness that makes all of the females in his household love him. Although he is outnumbered three to one, he doesn't seem to mind it one bit! Miss Mercedes, my precious oldest granddaughter, is a combination of delight and sweetness. Miss Portia, my youngest granddaughter, is a combination of joy and laughter.

What a privilege it is to bring a child into the world who grows up and becomes a wonderful, amazing, incredible daughter, woman, wife, mom and friend. Thank you Jesus for Tama Teresa and Shaun Campbell Douglas, Mercedes Elizabeth Teresa and Portia Karen Allegra!

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