Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Who In Sensational

For the sake of simplicity and to get directly to the point, Jesus is the "who" in sensational. Some of you will stop reading with the topic sentence; some will read on curious; others already know. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and in Him is the sensational in any decade.

So much of life concerns making decisions about the way. It hits us daily and often we plod along driven by the tyranny of the urgent with no thought to the way we go. Before I knew Jesus as my most significant relationship, my way was. . .That's not a fragment, but an intentional ellipses because it is the reality of my past. I did what I wanted, thought others wanted or what culture dictated. It was all about my logic, my goals and what I perceived the way to be. Although I determined that it was purposeful, it in essence was other directed meanderings. Jesus' way is the real purpose for the real life and the sensational. If you've read thus far and don't have a clue what I'm talking about read on; if you know then you will agree with me.

Another major facet of life is spent seeking the truth. What's the truth in this situation or that information? What's the truth in that relationship? What's the truth that I am willing to live for that will occupy my time, that will take my money that will take my energy; that will emit from my soul? What is the truth that will set the plumb line for the foundation of my life? If it isn't Jesus, the Living Word, the Word that became flesh then it isn't truth. If it isn't truth, then it is a wasted life lost in nothingness, meaninglessness, purposeless. The truth can only be found in Jesus.

Jesus is the life. The only way to have life on Earth and when our bodies die is in Jesus Christ. He is the Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Almighty God, our Provider, our Savior, our Deliverer, our Comforter, our Sustainer. All that we need for all of life is Jesus. He is practical, real and ever ready to give us all that we need to become all that he created us to be. Without Him, we are the living dead while on Earth. With Him, we have life to the fullest and eternity alive with Him.

This is intentionally simple because Jesus Christ's message is simple. He calls all to come to Him and find rest for their souls; He turns no one away. If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior it is a simple matter of the heart. He doesn't ask you to change a thing in your world; He simply says come. If we confess that we have not been perfect (sinned) and that we need Him, He will come into our hearts through His Holy Spirit and show us the way and the truth giving life purpose, hope and fulfillment. Without Jesus, nothing is sensational for a lifetime; with Jesus every decade is sensational.

Take time right now to either invite Him to become your Savior and Lord or thank Him for who He is in your life.


Heavenly Father,

I come to you in the Name of Jesus. I lift before your throne anyone who is reading this who does not know You. I pray for their salvation; that they would see their need for You. Lift the blinders and open their hearts.

For those who already know you, I pray that You would reveal Yourself to them in a new way. Take them deeper in You.

Open the eyes of our understanding and show us the way and the truth. Thank you that you have given us life to the fullest.

In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen

Bible Verse:

I am the Way--yes, and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to the Father except by means of me. John 14:6

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